Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hauerwas' Ideas

Stanley Hauerwas wrote September 11, 2001: A Pacifist Response. This article explains Hauerwas’ belief that you cannot be a Christian without being a pacifist because the two are entwined. It also talks about how a pacifist would respond to terror such as that of September 11, 2001. I believe that Christians should be pacifists but also that they should not be passive. The Bible admires Jacob because he is aggressive and fights for his faith unlike Isaac who just goes along with everything so as to avoid conflict. This shows that just because we are Christians, does not mean we should just sit around and pray while people are being killed. Instead, we should stand up against murder. That is why I support the troops that go out to war. Even if I do not support the actual war, I support the brave people willing to go out and risk their lives for what they believe in. I believe that they are doing a noble thing by acting on their beliefs and not just hoping that injustice and murder will disappear. God will not just make the bad stuff go away. We should pray and ask for help but we should also put our prayers into action and do something about it.

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