Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Family and The Incredibles

My understanding of family is not those who are related to you by blood. However, a family to me is the people that love you and help you grow. If your actual blood relatives fulfill this roll than they are not family. However, that does not mean that a family has to be perfect. In fact, most families are far from perfect. The film “The Incredibles” depicts a family that is far from Incredible. The husband lies to his wife about his whereabouts, the children disobey their mother, and the mother keeps important stuff from her children. However, although they may not always be perfect in their actions, they do demonstrate love like when the mother covers her children with her own body to protect them from a crashing plane. The father also is willing to go to any measure to save his family and keep them from harm. I believe this is what a family is all about. You don’t have to act perfect as long as you show you love each other. It is more about love than following orders and it is what the movie demonstrates through the superhero family depicted.

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