Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The movie Megamind is about a super villain and his super hero counterpart Metro Man. The film takes a different route than most superhero movies by making the villain the protagonist of the story. This different take makes the movie especially interesting as the audience is allowed to see things from a villain’s point of view. I especially liked how funny the movie was and how is depicted the hero as not so heroic. I also liked that Megamind’s powers were not based on strength but of the mind. In the end he defeats the new villain he accidently creates y thoughtfully thinking of what to do while he falls to his death. His brains save his life and the people of the city. Another thing I enjoyed was that the super hero dies early on in the movie by Megamind. This was a huge shock to me and completely unexpected because I believed it would be Metro Man vs. Megamind the whole movie. Nevertheless, the film did do a good job of portraying a time where the villain wins and the hero is eliminated. The villain then loses his purpose in life and is left with nothing to do. All in all I think it was a great and unique movie and people should really go see it.

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