Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The movie “Hero” emphasizes the importance of words. The film is about a nameless protagonist and the story behind his failed attempt to assassinate the King of Quin. The film begins after the failed assassination of the King by Sky, Snow, and Sword. The King has since become very guarding of his life and does not allow people within 100 paces of his throne. However, the nameless protagonist is allowed to sit closer after he shows the King the weapons of the assassins. While telling his story of how he killed Sky and then got Sword to cheat on Snow, angering her to kill Sword and then killing Snow after she is emotionally compromised, the King realizes that the story is not accurate because of Snow and Sword’s emotional control. Nameless then tells the King the actual version in which he kills Sky using a special technique and then convinces Snow to injure Sword, preventing him from interfering, and then staging a fight with Snow. The audience then realizes that Nameless is going to kill the King. However, while the King reads Sword’s scroll and realizes that the ultimate warrior is a warrior with no desire to kill, Nameless realizes that he is not this so he leaves and then is killed by the state so that China can be unified. Therefore words, not actions, are what unify China and stop the assassination on the King of Quin.

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