Monday, November 22, 2010

The Dark Knight

In The Dark Knight, Batman is an exception because unlike most heroes, his abilities come from his ingenious weaponry and devices that allow him to do many heroic stunts. However, he has no unusual abilities. Batman is just like all the other citizens of Gotham; he is 100% human and susceptible to human weaknesses. The only difference is his insurmountable amount of money. He is also an exception because he operates outside the law. Batman creates his own rules and laws and judges good and evil. Although his methods are for the better good, they are not always the best way to carry things out. Therefore the authorities are not completely happy with his ways and yet he remains untouchable. Batman operates outside the system of law but cannot be affected by it. Lastly, he prevents other less experienced people to become vigilantes such as himself because he feels that they are not prepared enough for his dangerous job. In some ways this may be because he wants to be the only hero but he also does this to prevent the ill equipped from being harmed by the dangerous villains Gotham is inhabited by. This makes Batman the one and only hero of Gotham city.

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