Monday, November 22, 2010

The Dark Knight

In The Dark Knight, Batman is an exception because unlike most heroes, his abilities come from his ingenious weaponry and devices that allow him to do many heroic stunts. However, he has no unusual abilities. Batman is just like all the other citizens of Gotham; he is 100% human and susceptible to human weaknesses. The only difference is his insurmountable amount of money. He is also an exception because he operates outside the law. Batman creates his own rules and laws and judges good and evil. Although his methods are for the better good, they are not always the best way to carry things out. Therefore the authorities are not completely happy with his ways and yet he remains untouchable. Batman operates outside the system of law but cannot be affected by it. Lastly, he prevents other less experienced people to become vigilantes such as himself because he feels that they are not prepared enough for his dangerous job. In some ways this may be because he wants to be the only hero but he also does this to prevent the ill equipped from being harmed by the dangerous villains Gotham is inhabited by. This makes Batman the one and only hero of Gotham city.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The movie Megamind is about a super villain and his super hero counterpart Metro Man. The film takes a different route than most superhero movies by making the villain the protagonist of the story. This different take makes the movie especially interesting as the audience is allowed to see things from a villain’s point of view. I especially liked how funny the movie was and how is depicted the hero as not so heroic. I also liked that Megamind’s powers were not based on strength but of the mind. In the end he defeats the new villain he accidently creates y thoughtfully thinking of what to do while he falls to his death. His brains save his life and the people of the city. Another thing I enjoyed was that the super hero dies early on in the movie by Megamind. This was a huge shock to me and completely unexpected because I believed it would be Metro Man vs. Megamind the whole movie. Nevertheless, the film did do a good job of portraying a time where the villain wins and the hero is eliminated. The villain then loses his purpose in life and is left with nothing to do. All in all I think it was a great and unique movie and people should really go see it.

Family and The Incredibles

My understanding of family is not those who are related to you by blood. However, a family to me is the people that love you and help you grow. If your actual blood relatives fulfill this roll than they are not family. However, that does not mean that a family has to be perfect. In fact, most families are far from perfect. The film “The Incredibles” depicts a family that is far from Incredible. The husband lies to his wife about his whereabouts, the children disobey their mother, and the mother keeps important stuff from her children. However, although they may not always be perfect in their actions, they do demonstrate love like when the mother covers her children with her own body to protect them from a crashing plane. The father also is willing to go to any measure to save his family and keep them from harm. I believe this is what a family is all about. You don’t have to act perfect as long as you show you love each other. It is more about love than following orders and it is what the movie demonstrates through the superhero family depicted.


The movie “Hero” emphasizes the importance of words. The film is about a nameless protagonist and the story behind his failed attempt to assassinate the King of Quin. The film begins after the failed assassination of the King by Sky, Snow, and Sword. The King has since become very guarding of his life and does not allow people within 100 paces of his throne. However, the nameless protagonist is allowed to sit closer after he shows the King the weapons of the assassins. While telling his story of how he killed Sky and then got Sword to cheat on Snow, angering her to kill Sword and then killing Snow after she is emotionally compromised, the King realizes that the story is not accurate because of Snow and Sword’s emotional control. Nameless then tells the King the actual version in which he kills Sky using a special technique and then convinces Snow to injure Sword, preventing him from interfering, and then staging a fight with Snow. The audience then realizes that Nameless is going to kill the King. However, while the King reads Sword’s scroll and realizes that the ultimate warrior is a warrior with no desire to kill, Nameless realizes that he is not this so he leaves and then is killed by the state so that China can be unified. Therefore words, not actions, are what unify China and stop the assassination on the King of Quin.

Hauerwas' Ideas

Stanley Hauerwas wrote September 11, 2001: A Pacifist Response. This article explains Hauerwas’ belief that you cannot be a Christian without being a pacifist because the two are entwined. It also talks about how a pacifist would respond to terror such as that of September 11, 2001. I believe that Christians should be pacifists but also that they should not be passive. The Bible admires Jacob because he is aggressive and fights for his faith unlike Isaac who just goes along with everything so as to avoid conflict. This shows that just because we are Christians, does not mean we should just sit around and pray while people are being killed. Instead, we should stand up against murder. That is why I support the troops that go out to war. Even if I do not support the actual war, I support the brave people willing to go out and risk their lives for what they believe in. I believe that they are doing a noble thing by acting on their beliefs and not just hoping that injustice and murder will disappear. God will not just make the bad stuff go away. We should pray and ask for help but we should also put our prayers into action and do something about it.