Monday, October 11, 2010

Double Consciousness

"Double Consciousness" is awareness of one’s self but also an awareness of others. This concept can be applied to super hero studies because of how most superheroes are white. Black superheroes have been greatly excluded from American society because of their civil rights struggles. Therefore there have not been many colored superheroes in comics and movies. Another conflict represented in American comics related to "Double Consciousness" is how the few black superheroes must reflect American culture even though they are technically African-American. This poses a conflict because it is much harder for such an ethnic race to represent such a mainstream society like America. African-American culture is a culture completely separated from traditional American culture because of the struggles the race has been through. The African-American super hero must then represent traditional American society must also remain true to their roots so that they can represent the other side to America. Superhero studies can then be affected because in order for it to be a good comic, it must be well rounded and represent every side of America and yet be a unique individual. African super heroes must be careful to stray away from “Africanizing” America. They should not force their culture on America but rather combine the two cultures harmoniously.

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