Monday, October 4, 2010

Allegory of the Cave

After reading the Allegory of the Cave by Plato, I believe that it would be better to live on the inside. Even if the conditions were not exciting or particularly favorable for us, the outside world would just be too hard to handle. Physically, the human body would not be accustomed to the different environmental conditions and the excitement resulting from such intense stimuli would be hard to bare for the heart and mind. Emotionally, it would be very difficult to become a part of a world you have absolutely no knowledge of. It would be like placing a child in the world and expecting him to be an adult and know everything going on. Therefore I would prefer to be in the only thing I have ever known and remain in the cave. The cave would not be as horrible to me as it would for other people looking into my life because it would be the only thing I knew about the world. You cannot hate something when you have never experienced something better than it so if I never left the cave, it would just be the natural way of living for me and I would not complain about it.

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