Thursday, December 16, 2010

Unbreakable & Semester Reflection

This semester of Freshman Writing Seminar was really great. I enjoyed analyzing superhero movies and using them as topics for writing. It was definitely very different than any other English class I have ever had. I really liked that we went over V for Vendetta because it is one of my favorite movies and talking about it in depth was great. However, it was very hard to write on films. I am used to writing on books, articles or quotes, which had a lot of strong sources available. Unfortunately, with movies, there are very few sources because the majority are just reviews of how the film turned out and if it is worth watching it or not.
At the end of the semester, we had to watch Unbreakable. I had never seen this movie before but I really enjoyed it. It told a traditional superhero story in a more realistic way. This was nice because it made it easier to apply it to real life. Instead of just some crazy story it’s something that I could see happening. This made it the perfect movie to end the semester with because it incorporated what we had been talking about in class.

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